Academy of Art University
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Micki Rios

Writing for Film, Television & Digital Media / MFA

Raised in a doomsday prepping household, Micki Rios spent her youth being drilled in survivalist tactics before she was old enough to fulfill her dream of running off and joining the circus. She's had a lengthy career as a circus performer, stunt woman and actress before pursuing screenwriting full-time.

The sci-fi action-comedy pilot script for Noah's Bunker is set in a post-apocolyptic world. After surviving a mysterious blast from space that destroyed the majority of life on earth, an eccentric and rather screwy family of doomsday preppers establishes a new life in a world filled with aliens, mutants, robots and monsters.

Stay tuned for it airing sometime in the future on a major streaming platform!

NXTUPfest Nominee: Screenplay - Noah's Bunker
WINNER: Screenplay | Noah's Bunker

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