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Rucha Dande

Rucha Dande

Graphic Design / MA

From a young age, I have had a artistic side to me. I was always interested in arts, crafts and painting. The simple act of making little beautiful greeting cards to translate my emotions for everyone in my family on their special occasions would bring me immense joy. I thought of utilizing this creative approach which encouraged me start my career in a creative field.

Having my dad in this Industry and getting a first hand exposure to it, I though of pursuing Architecture. This is where I learnt that Design, of any kind, has its own unique language of communication.

Architecture helped develop ideas into outcomes. I wanted to take this knowledge further by pursuing Visual Design from Italy. Since then I have decided to understand this language of design and implement my creativity to make products that engage with the audiences to create an impact. Now at the Academy of Arts, I am honing my skills further for the subject.

Companies That Have Hired Our Graduates

Apple logo
Nike logo
IDEO logo
Dropbox logo

Contact Us

For more information on these skilled artists and designers, call 415-618-8899, or email us