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Toni Crook

Toni Crook

Fine Art / MFA

I’m an abstract surrealist sculptor and oil painter currently residing and creating studio art in the Pacific Northwest. ¬For over 30 years, my primary focus has been raising my 8 sons and 2 daughters. This maternal journey has been a source of deep and multi-faceted inspiration, motivating a great deal of personal self-reflection and informing much of my work.

In sculpture, I work in wax, plaster, clay, ceramic, resin and/or bronze, with 2D work in oil on canvas or board. Subject matter is generally abstracted from figurative reference, exploring states of exaggerated human emotion or growth. My current body of work speaks to the overcoming of personal struggle and the resulting powerful state of euphoric freedom as figures find strength, inner peace and carefree joy in positive, mindful activities.

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