Academy of Art University
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Isabella Bowman

Isabella Bowman

Fashion / BFA

Isabella Bowman is an American knitwear designer currently based in San Francisco. She moved to the Bay Area in 2018 where she is currently getting her BFA in Knitwear Design at Academy of Art University. She was born and raised in Los Angeles and taught herself how to crochet at the age of eight. Bowman has, since a young age, been inspired by the different mediums in which to tell a story and convey a human experience. Bowman loves the geometry that pervades fashion and the counting of stitches per square centimeter to get the perfect fit within knitwear. In the long term, Bowman looks forward to the challenge of finding sustainable sourcing and ethical labor practices in creating work to scale at a price point that sells. Meanwhile, she hopes to use her passion for handmade production techniques, attention to technical details, along with her conceptual story-telling impulses, to be a strong contributor to an existing artist’s or company's team.

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