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Hope Defined Lesson Plan
Hope Defined Lesson Plan
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Johanna Cameron

Johanna Cameron

Art Education / MA
Art Education

I am a passionate advocate for childhood creativity enhancing learning and healthy development. As a painter, I bring my expertise and excitement to my Art classroom, creating a rich educational experience for my students. Currently, I am seeking to improve my skills as both a teacher and an artist by pursuing a Master’s in Arts Education with the Academy of Art University.

Lesson Plan Inspiration: Last school year, I created a tissue paper collage lesson inspired by Eric Carle’s “Very Hungry Caterpillar” for elementary students. After the success of the project, I wanted to develop the technique further and pursued creating this portrait. “Hope Defined,” was inspired by Baraka, a young man in Tanzania impacted by the non-profit work of Convoy of Hope. Using the same style as Carle, this collage uses various pieces of tissue paper to create a vivid and personable portrait. The depth and vivid nature of the medium, as well as the complexities it provides, inspired me to turn it into a lesson plan for high school students.

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