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Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Site Plan

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Site Plan

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Interior Perspective

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Interior Perspective

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Floor Plan

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Floor Plan

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Exterior View

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Exterior View

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Elevations

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Elevations

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Interior View

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Interior View

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Exterior View 2

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Exterior View 2

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Sections

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Sections

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Interior Rendering

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Interior Rendering

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Axometric

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Axometric

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Model

Uvalde Strong: Youth and Community Center – Model

Uvalde Strong

Uvalde Strong

Youth and Community Center

Master of Architecture Thesis Project

The proposed Youth and Community Center in Uvalde, Texas, aims to address two tragic questions: the nature of social isolation and its ties to violence, and the nature of community healing.

On May 24th, 2022, 19 elementary school students and 2 teachers were murdered by an 18-year-old active shooter at the Robb Elementary School. The shooting directly affected 21 families and indirectly several more. Uvalde is a small town where people know each other. An uncle of one of the victims stated, “If the shooter was involved and was able to be active and play, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.” A few months later, on September 9th, 2022, two teenagers of 16 and 18 years were shot in an alleged drug deal at the same site.

Drugs and gang affiliations may also be causing increased youth gun violence, in addition to social isolation. Currently, the Uvalde area hosts few mental health resources and facilities. According to US News, “The only mental health center in the area — just blocks from Robb Elementary — was seldom used or discussed, raising worries about the lack of awareness regarding signs and symptoms of mental illness and the stigma surrounding seeking help.”

Grieving together through recreation and community has helped Uvalde begin to heal. The parents of one victim started an organization that hosts wilderness retreats for victims’ families and survivors. Residents also come together in social media groups where they can share mental health resources and express their grief.

By bringing in places to gather as families and as a community along with being able to play, we may be able to foster more inclusion in school environments. A recreation center, community center, and place to gather can give these kids an opportunity to engage in play and change their direction. A chance to compete in sports and be a part of a team can lead children through self-discovery. Through play, children can interact with others in a positive environment. Social interaction and civic engagement can trigger some of the solutions for these issues through organized activities. The proposal is a Youth and Community Center that can facilitate these activities.

Thesis Advisor: Eric Reeder
Graduate School of Architecture Prize for Outstanding Thesis Project
2024 AIA Medal for Academic Excellence

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