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Pink Chickens in Various Fonts

Pink Chickens in Various Fonts

Questioning the Human Condition in an Abandoned Soviet-Era Labor Camp

ARH 210 Studio 3 Project

Hallie Looney / B.Arch
Maria Paz Olmedo Wagner / B.Arch
Nicholas Signor / B.Arch
Alex Neyman

Pink Chickens in Various Fonts, situated in the abandoned ruins of a Soviet era labor camp located at Rummu Quarry in Estonia, builds on the existing idea of what it means to be human and confronts the mind in an overwhelming array of estranged objects that alone mean one thing, but together create a magnification of the human condition.

The work researches what happens on digital platforms in terms of alternation of cultural identity. We structure and archive our collective selves through an overwhelming array of information. Familiarity becomes a question rather than a certainty, and growth stems from the repeated expression of evolving art.

Pink splatters the walkways, chickens roam freely in space and away from the defined form to be players that challenge and confuse the user in a test of imagination. Mirrored objects face distortion from being perceived so that the same view can scarcely be beheld twice. Landscapes are turned on their heads, faces, and inside out to explore new space. Digital platforms weave a new structure to deliver the hidden data trends, translating into physical platforms from which humans dive into information.

Miscommunications between human and machine create a new vibrancy that rules here. There are no rules here. Some may call it a garbage heap, you may call it architecture. But most just call them pink chickens.

The work uses multiple AI interfaces as accomplices and takes advantage of machine misinterpretations to foster critical thinking, while designing architectural spaces.

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